Tel: 01395 233635
Email: Info@brooklandsevents.co.uk

“The company” means BROOKLANDS EVENTS LTD and/or their sub-contractors or agents.
“The hirer” is the person/people/party hiring equipment from the company.
“The equipment” is all items provided to the hirer.
“The site” is the location at which any equipment is to be delivered and/or erected
“The build date” is the date(s) prior to any event for which the equipment is being delivered and/or erected
“The period of hire” means the period from the delivery date until the equipment has been dismantled and removed from the site.
These terms and conditions shall apply to all orders and contracts entered into by the company unless otherwise stated in the company’s written quotation or booking form.
No qualifications or variations to these conditions are valid unless such qualification or variation is agreed in writing prior to the event by both parties.
On agreement of the quotation and signing of the booking form a 25% non-returnable first payment is due for which the company will issue a first payment invoice. Upon receipt of this payment, acceptance of the terms and conditions are automatically agreed by the hirer.
The full balance will become due 7 days before the build date when an invoice will be issued. Should this balance not be received as cleared funds on or before the build date, the company will exercise their right not to attend the site and will not erect/deliver the equipment and the first payment will be retained by the company.
Any additional equipment required after the booking form is completed shall be charged in an Additional Invoice. Interest on all monies outstanding 14 days after the date for payment has passed becomes due at a rate of 4 % per annum above the Bank of England base rate.
Where any equipment is to be cross hired for the hirer, the hirer will be responsible for paying deposits required to secure equipment before the hire period starts. If any changes or cancellations should occur that result in loss of deposit this will be at the hirers cost.
A non- refundable damage waiver fee is arranged at a rate of 8% of the total price of the equipment hired and is payable by the hirer to the company and covers the equipment against:
Fire & explosion
Storm & tempest
The damage waiver does not cover equipment that is lost, stolen, destroyed or not returned to us in any other circumstances from those set out above.
If the hirer declines to pay the damage waiver fee then the hirer shall produce proof of insurance cover to the satisfaction of the company at least 7 days prior to the build date, and in the event that the hirer fails to do so then they shall pay the damage waiver fee as set out in the quotation.
During the period of hire the hirer is responsible for the maintenance and safe custody of the equipment and will reimburse the company for any loss occasioned thereto (fair wear and tear excluded).
Any breach of the company’s terms & conditions as herein stated will negate the damage waiver policy.
The hirer will not use any additional lighting, heating, cooking or any other gas or electrical appliances of any kind without the previous consent in writing of the company.
The hirer will not tamper with the structure or any part of the equipment and in particular not to affix or suspend from the equipment any item whatsoever without the company’s prior written consent.
Smoking will not be permitted within any marquee structure provided by the company, any fire pits must be located not less than 25 metres from the tent.
No naked flames will be permitted within any marquee structure provided by the company, this includes candles.
The hirer will heat the interior of the equipment to no less than 12 degrees centigrade in the event of snow or should snow be forecast.
Any damage due to fire, theft or vandalism must be reported to both the company and the police (where applicable) within 24 hours, if the hirer is found to be negligible the company will seek to recover cost of replacements from the hirer.
Malicious damage or theft is not covered by the company damage waiver and all cost of equipment requiring replacement will be the hirers responsibility.
Damage caused to equipment due to failure to comply with advice given by the company to the hirer on how to use the tent (e.g. not tying walls up when windy) will result in the hirer being responsible for any replacements. General marquee upkeep notes will be given separately.
The company reserves the right to withdraw or revise any quotations up until the booking form is signed and the first payment to reserve the equipment has been received. All quotations are subject to the availability of equipment at the time the cleared first payment is received. Due to seasonal fluctuations, prices of some equipment cannot be guaranteed until such time as a signed booking form and cleared deposit has been received by the company. The company will confirm acceptance in writing in the form of a booking confirmation. Any subsequent changes will also be confirmed on an order confirmation and no responsibility will be accepted for inaccuracies or misunderstandings if equipment does not appear on the order confirmation.
The hirer shall provide to the company prior to the build date an accurate plan of the site showing all relevant services and any obstacles which may affect the erection of the equipment on the site as agreed at the site visit, and must advise the company of any alterations taken place after the date that the plan is provided. The hirer is required to give notice to or obtain any necessary permits from local authorities and/or the site owners prior to erection.
Any quotation is supplied on the assumptions that the hirer provides a site free from flooding, trees and any overhead or underground obstructions. If the surface is impervious to stakes it is the hirer’s responsibility to inform the company at the time of quotation in order to allow for the provision of specialist mechanical fixings or appropriate ballast. Any damage caused by lack of information from the hirer is to be repaired at the hirers cost.
Any quotation is supplied on the assumption that the site is serviced by way of a firm access road adjacent to or within immediate proximity of the site. If the labour and/or logistical costs to the company are subsequently increased due to any of these factors, the company may charge the hirer additionally in accordance with the company’s labour and/or delivery charges at the time of the build date.
Grass sites must be cut on a low setting prior to the build date. The company cannot be held responsible for any unevenness in flooring surfaces due to undulating ground, divots, bumps etcetera, or ill preparation of any site.
If any part of the hired equipment includes electrical apparatus a convenient, nearby electricity supply must be provided and certified by a qualified professional unless separate generator(s) are provided or requested to be provided by the company.
If generators are required, then a back up generator is always recommended, as engines can break down at any point.
Please note that if a marquee is installed for a period of over 28 days planning permission may be required and this is the sole responsibility of the client.
The hirer should not enter the equipment while it is being erected by the company.
All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure all openings are kept closed in windy conditions to avoid damage to the marquee when not in use. The hirer accepts they must not tamper with or move any of the structure. No hay or straw bales can be used inside the marquee as they pose a fire risk.
The company reserves the right, in order of absolute discretion, to order immediate evacuation from the marquee where there is deemed to be a risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of any person or persons on the site. The company accepts no liability for any loss whatsoever.
The company will use it’s best endeavours to supply the hirer with the equipment ordered, but where this is not possible the company will notify the hirer as soon as possible of any alterations to the design and specifications of the equipment. Where the alteration is fundamental the hirer may terminate their contract and any deposit paid will be refunded.
The quotation does not include making good any repairs to the site unless caused by the negligence of the company’s staff, agents or contractors.
All sums payable under this agreement unless otherwise stated are exclusive of VAT at the current standard rate and any other duties or taxes which may be applicable. Any VAT or other duties or taxes payable in respect of such sums shall be payable in addition to such sums.
Where single use carpet is purchased by the hirer for a marquee, this carpet remains the property of the client once the hire has finished. Should the client wish Brooklands Events to dispose of this it will be at a cost of £180+ VAT
On completion of build, the hirer, or representative, will be required to sign a completion form which indicates complete satisfaction with equipment supplied by the company.
Should the client wish the site of the marquee to be different than that originally quoted the company reserves the right to vary the price accordingly
Additional equipment hired once main delivery has taken place will be subject to an extra delivery charge
Hire charges include costs for labour for the installation and dismantling of structures
Hire charges for catering equipment, tables and chairs include delivery but not installation or dismantling
The company will make every effort to complete the erection of the equipment on or before the commencement of the period of hire, provided that the hirer has complied with the undertakings set out above. If the equipment is not erected before the commencement of the period of hire, the hirer shall have the right to withdraw and the company shall return all monies paid. If the equipment is not delivered and/or erected because of delays due to inclement weather or other circumstances beyond its reasonable control the company shall not be liable to pay further compensation to the hirer.
The company will take all reasonable care to avoid any damage to the hirer’s own equipment, but cannot be responsible for any loss suffered by the hirer in respect thereof other than as a result of the negligence of the company’s servants, agents or contractors.
Should the event need to be postponed or cancelled due to force majeure (weather, pandemic etc.) or other factors beyond control the company will endeavor to work with the hirer to reschedule the date at a mutually convenient time.
Should the event be cancelled by the hirer the following payments will be due:-
Within 28 days of event build date 50% of full hire fee will be due
Less than 7 days before event build date the full hire fee will be due
By accepting and signing a booking order form, it is deemed that the hirer accepts the Terms and Conditions as set out above.
Last Revision: 07th Feb. 2022